Auvesta Interview | New Year's Interview 2023 with Dr. Franz Hölzl | Board Member of Auvesta Edelmetalle AG 
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New Year's Interview 2023 with Dr. Franz Hölzl
New Year's Interview 2023 with Dr. Franz Hölzl
German Version
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New Year's Interview 2023

Extract Part 1/4 New Year's Interview 2023

Dr. Franz Hölzl, Board Member of Auvesta, expresses his views on the topic “Inflation protection with gold”

Benedikt Hausler:

Why are so many people buying gold, even if 2022 was a rather weak year for the shiny precious metal - is gold still a protection against inflation at all?

Dr. Hölzl:

Those who want to protect themselves against the consequences of inflation and want to have every wave of inflation ironed out in the short term are on the wrong track. You have to look at the long term. I recall the period between 1980 until about 2002. In 1980, Persia became Iran, with all the side effects. There was the threat of a major war. At first, the metal price went through the roof, then normalised again and was then in a sideways movement with short-term fluctuations for almost 20 years. After that, it went up considerably. This can then be seen as an inflationary adjustment.

Anyone who regularly bought metal with smaller amounts during this entire period between 1980 until about 2002 can laugh up their sleeve today. They did everything right because they were looking for long-term security for their asset mix. And they got it.

I always say that adding gold to an investment is like an insurance. At first, the insurance costs money. But then, when you need it and don't have it, you look pretty stupid.

Neujahrs Interview mit Dr. Franz Hölzl
German Version
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Auvesta New Year's Interview 2023

with Dr. Franz Hölzl, Board Member of Auvesta

Table of Contents:

Review 2022, inflation, gold in times of crisis

  • A weak gold year 2022 - Why do people still buy?
  • Security - Third party risk in the high-security warehouse?
  • Only with Auvesta - Transfer of ownership through bullion allocation
  • Personal outlook and wish from Dr. Hölzl
Dr. Franz Hölzl - CEO - Auvesta Edelmetalle AG

Member of the Board

Dr. Franz Hölzl

Dr. Franz Hölzl was an academic adviser at the University of Regensburg and subsequently held management positions of financial companies for over 20 years. He has been CEO of Auvesta Edelmetalle AG since 2009.

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First place for Auvesta in the category "Germany's best providers of gold savings plans 2022"

In 2022, Auvesta Edelmetalle AG was the winner of a survey conducted by the Handelsblatt with over 48,000 customer reviews. Auvesta was named most frequently in the category "Germany's best provider of gold savings plans 2022".

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The creditworthiness of Auvesta Edelmetalle AG has been checked and confirmed annually by Creditreform since 2013. Only a few companies are certified as having an “excellent credit rating”.

Auvesta als Bester Anbieter von Goldsparplänen vom Handelsblatt ausgezeichnet

Focus Money - Best Gold Savings Plan Provider

Auvesta Edelmetalle AG has also been subject to the external audit by Focus Money since 2016 and has always been awarded top marks since then.
